Quizzes on the digestive system
Each of the quizzes below includes 15 multiple-choice style questions. If you get a question right the next one will appear automatically, but if you get it wrong we'll tell you the correct answer. An overall score is given at the end of each quiz.
Choose from the following :
- Anatomy - Identify the parts of the digestive system :
- Quiz 1 - Quiz 2 --- Quiz 3 --- Quiz 4
- Physiology - How does the digestive system work? :
- Quiz 1 --- Quiz 2
- Pathology (disorders and diseases) of the digestive system :
- Quiz 1 --- Quiz 2
Or if you fancy something different, try a French Quiz instead!
Or how about an Astronomy Quiz?
Resources :
In this section we've added a few alternative study aids to help you along.
- Articles - Here you'll find a range of short articles on basic anatomy and physiology topics, complete with a few 'test yourself' questions for each one.
- Images and pdf's - Just in case you get tired of looking at the screen we've provided images and pdf files that you can print out and use for 'off-line' practice.
- Word Roots - When you learn the word roots, prefixes and suffixes contained within anatomical and medical terms, you can often work out what they mean. This can be a useful skill as you progress in your studies, so we've provided a dictionary to help you!
- Games - Finally in the resources section, we've added some simple games to make anatomy and physiology practice a little bit more fun.