15 more questions about general first aid :
Reference : ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition (Amazon link)
The quiz above includes the following questions :
- If, while driving, you are the first person to arrive at a traffic accident, you will need to park your vehicle safely away from the accident and you will need to ...
- When dealing with a traffic incident on a motorway, you should ...
- One of the things you can do to secure the area of a traffic incident is to ...
- In a traffic accident you should always assume that the casualty may have suffered ...
- One way to cut off the oxygen supply of a fire is to ...
- When leaving a building on fire, you should ...
- What is the procedure when someone’s clothes are on fire?
- You should lay down a burn casualty with ...
- You should never enter a building that is ...
- If you are trapped in a burning building you should go to a room ...
- Once in a room with a window, you will need to close the door and ...
- To escape through a window from a burning building, it is important to go out ...
- Once you have put your feet out of the window, and before you drop down, you have to ...
- What would prevent a person from breaking contact in an electrical accident?
- When dealing with electricity, which incident would usually be immediately fatal?