15 more questions about general first aid :
Reference : ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition (Amazon link)
The quiz above includes the following questions :
- Before approaching a casualty struck by high voltage, you need to make sure that ...
- How far can an electric arc from a high voltage source reach?
- A casualty who is still in contact with an electrical current is considered “live” and ...
- To break the contact between a casualty and an electrical current you should stand on a dry insulating material and ...
- Which of the following is an insulating material on which you can stand?
- If you cannot break the contact with a wooden object, you can ...
- If you pull the victim away from an electrical current you must make sure that you ...
- When carrying an unconscious drowning casualty out of the water, make sure that you keep their head ...
- A sudden entry into very cold water can increase blood pressure and cause ...
- If a person has been in cold water for a long period of time, they might be suffering from ...
- The safest way to pull someone out of the water without endangering your life is to ...
- Once a casualty is out of the water you need to stop them getting cold by ...
- You may tackle a small fire by using ...
- In a traffic accident involving trucks, it’s important to ...
- When dealing with a traffic accident, you need to do a thorough search of the area to look for people who may have ...