The therapy quizzes

The following quizzes are intended to support your learning in different therapies, but should not be taken as medical or therapeutic advice, and are not meant to replace proper training.

Choose from the following sections to practice and test your knowledge :

First aid quizzes
First aid :

quizzes on what to do in an emergency, and how to help people with injuries and other health problems.

quizzes about massage
Massage :

Quizzes about the benefits and techniques of massage, and the related pathologies and contraindications.

quizzes on nursing and medicine
Nursing & medicine :

Quizzes on the 15 most commonly prescribed medications, and the history of medicine.

Nutrition quizzes
Nutrition :

Quizzes on vitamins, and minerals.

Fancy something different? Try a French language quiz instead!

Resources :

In this section we've added a few alternative study aids to help you along.