Quizzes on the muscles of the head and neck

The quizzes below each include 15 multiple-choice identification questions related to the muscles of the head and neck.

There are three sections for you to practice: muscle identification, muscle actions, and muscle origins and insertions.

If you get a question right the next one will appear automatically, but if you get it wrong we'll give you the correct answer. An overall score is given at the end of each quiz.

Start at Level 1, and work your way up once you're getting everything right.

The muscles of the human face, front view
The face :

Quiz 1
--- Quiz 2

The muscles of the head and neck, locations
Head muscle locations :

Quiz 1
--- Quiz 2 --- Quiz 3

The muscles of the head and neck, actions
Head muscle actions :

Quiz 1
--- Quiz 2 --- Quiz 3

The origins and insertions of the head muscles
Origins & insertions :

Quiz 1
--- Quiz 2 --- Quiz 3

Resources :

In this section we've added a few alternative study aids to help you along.