15 more questions on the anatomy of bones :
The quiz above includes the following questions :
- In the diagram the 'diaphysis' is indicated by label number :
- A projection that contacts an adjacent bone is called an :
- Adjacent bones contact each other at :
- In the diagram the 'metaphysis' is indicated by label number :
- A long, tunnel-like passage is called a :
- What do we call a large, rounded articular process?
- Which label in the diagram indicates the\'medullary cavity' :
- An 'eminence' is :
- The term 'epicondyle' refers to :
- In the diagram the 'distal epiphysis' is indicated by label number :
- A prominent bony ridge is called a :
- A 'facet' is :
- Which label in the diagram indicates the 'proximal epiphysis' :
- What is a 'foramen'?
- A 'fossa' is :